How to Whitelist Our Emails

How to Whitelist Our Emails

To ensure you receive emails from us regarding your Peak Performance Maintenance Plan, your system, helpful tips or our products and services, be sure to whitelist any emails you receive from us!

Gmail Whitelist Instructions:

  1. In your inbox, locate an email from or For example, you might see an email message from us about your Peak Performance Maintenance Plan, maintenance or appointment reminders, information about your system or warranty information, or additional products and services that we feel will meet your needs.

  2. Drag this email to the “primary” tab of your inbox.

  3. How to whitelist our email

  4. You’ll then see our emails go straight into your primary folder!

For other email service providers (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) please add us as a contact in your address book.

Need more instructions? check here.